Floor Plan Questions ...
- What are all the inputs needed to Start Floorplan activities?
- What kind of sanity checks will be done at FloorPlan ?
- What is the LEF and .libs ?
- Timing Information (SDC and. libs) are mandatory to start Floorplan?
- What is the aspect Ratio?
- Is the aspect Ratio is technology dependent?
- How to create Block size based on Utilization?
- Are Block X and Y dependent upon the Aspect Ratio?
- Is utilization will impact the Block Size?
- What is the purpose of TAP, END CAP and DECAP cells?
- What are the different types of checks will do for Netlist?
- Is really technologies (14nm/7nm) will impact the floor Plan?
- What is the difference between Flip Chip Vs Wire bound designs?
- What do you mean by latch up?
- How will TAP cells solve the latch-up problem?
- How do you create power / voltage regions?
- Are any guidelines to follow to define the Power / Voltage regions?
- What is the function of Level Shifter, ISOLATION and power switch cells?
- What is the difference Between Voltage region and Power domain?
- What are the different types of Level Shifter?
- What is the purpose of Power switch cells usage?
- Really required dual power supply for level shifters?
- Where do we keep Decap cells?
- Is Macro's cannot keep middle of the design?
- What kind of rules will follow for macro-Placement?
- What is DEF? What kind of information it contains?
- What kind of checks will you be done after macro placement?
- How do verify our Power / Voltage region is properly created are not?
- Why do we keep some space near IO's?( Near IO ports)
- What is the purpose of filler cells?
- Area of logical design is X , what is the block area with 50% utilization?
- What is the difference between single cut via Vs Multi cut vias?
- How do verify power plan is correct are not?
- What kind of power checks will be done at Floorplan?
- How do we make sure the Floorplan is correct are not?
- Zero RC timing will check at Floor Plan?
- How to decide the memory channel at Floor Plan?
- What is poly pitch?
- What is the placement grid?
- What is the difference between abstract view Vs Design View (ICC2)
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